Tuesday, September 6, 2011

11 Months old - Naomi is weaned!

Miss Naomi is all grown up.  As of last tuesday, she decided to self wean in a happy fashion.  She was never cranky the entire day nor any other day.  She started drinking from a water bottle (few ozs) here and there and declared independency.  I was worried at first because she wasn't drinking nearly as much as her sister but after going to the doctor, there were no concerns, she was super healthy and hydrated (I have no idea how).  She would only drink 5 ozs in 8 hours and still sleep 11 hours at night!  This coincided with her learning to stand up on her own, cruise on furniture and learning to say no by shaking her head.  I feel bad that she doesn't drink a lot so I still supplement her by nursing her while she's napping and right after bedtime.  I don't know why, but she only nurses when she's fully asleep??!!  Oh well, she had all the signs of starting to wean, first by not nursing in public, then not nursing while she's playing, then not nursing unless its just before a nap/bedtime, and now only nursing when she's sleeping!  Keira is still ok but I feel confident that Keira will be ok to wean in a few weeks since she drinks more formula of a sippy cup than her sister!

Both girls are really good at pulling themselves up on furniture and climbing on furniture!  I think they will be walking soon, eventhough I don't want them too, I can't stop them :)

My new nanny also started today, its been great.  The girls are really comfortable around her too.  I think my girls are used to meeting lots of new people again.  Their seperation anxiety has disappeared again!

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